Here at you can pay with the confidence of secure encrypted transactions through our partnering payment partners with an avaialbe $2000.00 credit that can be added right through the "Make A Payment" payment box here on this page.
You can alternatively request to have other payments such as money order or cash or payments through bank draft and certified cheque or email money transfer to For alternative payments or please email us. We except early payments for lay away that can go against future projects when your ready to start your dream!
"Make A Payment" can also be used for payments towards Franchise Applications and Ownerships, and also can be used to buy shares in Inc.
The "make a payment" button is good for up to $10 000.00 per transaction Canadian, our web store will except payments for up to $999 999.00 per transaction Canadian. All our payment gateways on this site can be accessed for payments from 255 countries and currencies.
All transactions are final and come with a %20 restacking fee on cancelations and we reserve the right to adjust payments according to costs of shipping and delivery that may occure for cancelled items or exceptionally products that have started manufacturing before the cancelation notification to us.
All our products come with express warrunty of no less then five years and our homes if built by us can come with up to a life time warrunty depending on the customers final purchase choices.
The webstore section of this site also called the predesinged catalogue also will give you a choice at check out to use PayPal wich can take up to $999 999 999.00 one time payments!
With zero carbon net goals insures that you will have a product from us that is compliant with efficiency code of Canada! We understand the need for sustainable commerce and are making strides on efficincy and invoation to create a work flow in all investements of Inc. with the Earth's greater good in mind!